Welcome To Your Being Human Journey

To empower leaders to balance, harmonize, and integrate their whole selves for optimal wellness, personal transformation, and world-changing impact.

Our Mission

To upgrade the world’s energy one human being at a time for the benefit of all.

Our Vision

You matter. Your health matters. Your wellbeing matters.

Bringing yourself into greater balance will change the world around you. You are worthy of discovering the beauty and harmony of your own energy. 

My Being Human Journey

I have always been the consummate learner, someone who seeks greater meaning and understanding in everything I do. From an early age, I have always loved teaching, even attending a special high school program for future teachers in my home state. In college, I was drawn to study literature because reading and discussing literature helps us understand what it means to be human and how to search for meaning in the most difficult circumstances. I completed my Ph.D. in literature in order to teach at the college level and share this journey with others. 

My path in higher education led me quickly into leadership positions, largely working with graduate students and programs (master’s and doctoral levels). I’ve been fortunate to participate in elite leadership programs, including the HERS Leadership Institute for executive women and the Fulbright International Educator program. By gaining familiarity with many disciplines outside of my home field, I learned about all the ways that research helps us create new knowledge and extend human capacity. 

After twenty years in a university setting, my curiosity and drive to explore what it means to be human led me to dive deeper into the realms of health, wellness, and wellbeing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. At first, I became fascinated with functional medicine and ways that we can support the body’s health and self-healing to prevent or remediate disease. Although functional fitness and nutrition make a meaningful difference in people’s quality of life, I immediately knew I had found my niche when I was introduced to holistic health and coaching practices through Eden Energy Medicine, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Biofield Tuning. As soon as I learned about these modalities that harmonize the body’s own energy pathways for emotional and physical transformation, I knew with certainty what my next steps were, and I immediately enrolled in certification programs to become a practitioner. 

Although this work appears to be significantly different from my career in higher education, I see my path as evolving organically with a common thread of seeking greater balance, harmony, coherence, and quiet strength. Over the last twenty years, I have been teaching and coaching students and faculty to extend knowledge and stretch what we know about the world. I have been a coach, mentor, and friend to many colleagues while working on large projects that required all my coaching skills. Now, in my own coaching business, I embrace new tools and methods to support leaders in fulfilling their life mission. By helping people to reveal their own innate power, I aim to accelerate change in the world.

Too often, leaders focus on doing, often putting others before ourselves.

Through coaching and holistic wellness practices, we are learning about our beings: the energy, light, and beauty of our whole beings. We integrate the energy of our body, mind, and emotions to produce more harmony, balance, and coherence within ourselves. We allow the love and joy of our higher selves to come forward into our experience so that we can fulfill our life purpose.

In Being Human, I bring twenty years of experience in higher education leadership with an emphasis on teaching and coaching adult learners and developing programs online.

I have always been a teacher in different environments. Channeling this passion as a coach, I facilitate change for others to meet their goals, embrace their gifts, and be their highest selves.

I am a learner, not only saturating myself with new knowledge but also seeking deeper embodied learning that incorporates body and soul for the greatest transformation.

Through healing practices, I seek to be a guide for others to experience greater balance, harmony, and integration to release trauma on all levels for optimal wellness.


Certified Clinical Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner

APUS Certified Professional Coach (CPC)

Certified Personal Trainer (NETA-CPT)

Biofield Tuning Certified Practitioner

Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner (EEM-CP)

Executive Performance Coaching